Frank Goncalves - Commitment and Creativity In The Surf - The Saltwater Edge


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Frank Goncalves - Commitment and Creativity In The Surf

frank goncalves

Frank Goncalves has been immersed in saltwater fishing since childhood, growing up in the East Coast's largest fishing port of New Bedford, Massachusetts. This proximity to the salt, a lot of commitment and his abundant creativity has produced a very talented surfcaster. Sure, there is "putting in the work" and his effort is legendary; but lots of us can stand on a rock. Frank Goncalves separates from the pack with his attention to detail and a creative mind that both powers his day job as a graphic designer but is critical to his surfcasting success. Frank, like all designers, operates with a set of facts, intuition, and a willingness to try things of which some don't work out, but the results in aggregate are quite impressive.

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