The Albie Shootout Returns - The Saltwater Edge


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    The Albie Shootout Returns

    The Saltwater Edge Albie Shootout Runs Sept 21 to Oct 14

    Sign up by clicking here

    It’s hardtail season again and the only way to make this momentous time of year more exciting is to spice it up with some competition! The Albie Shootout is back for 2024 and the stage is set for a bigger turnout with the same level of competition in divisions for shore, fly and boat/ kayak—with awesome prizes for the top three anglers in each category. The event will remain a catch-photo-release format, but this year, participants can enter one fish per fish category per day. You can earn a bonus entry on every fish by showing us a screenshot of you entering the fish into the Got One! app. Prizes will then be awarded by lottery. So more albies means more chances to win! The entry fee is $40 per angler, available for purchase in-store or on their website, the proceeds will be donated to the ASGA Albie Project.


    The Albie Shootout will officially kick off at sunrise on September 21 and the last casts will be made at sunset on October 14. The tournament is open to anglers fishing the waters of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine, with the only qualifying requirement being that you sign up before you begin fishing (signups will remain open for the duration of the event) and that you hold a valid saltwater fishing license (or reciprocal equivalent) for the state or states in which you intend to fish.


    Anglers will record their catch with a photo, and all qualifying photos will have to show the tournament keyword that will be announced on September 21 and on a weekly basis after that. Anglers can enter one fish per day and category winners will be based on a random drawing. Participating anglers should know ahead of time that their photos will be posted to the SWE Instagram account @saltwateredge. They may also find themselves used in promotional material or blog posts on the company website. There will be a prize for the best albie photo for you camera buffs!

    Albie season is saltwater fishing’s version of a double shot of espresso. When you take on the challenges of a competition, it’s like a Red Bull, spiked with a 5-Hour Energy Drink. Hang onto your hardtails, ladies and gentlemen. Come join us this year and add a little edge to your albie run!

    Sign up for the Albie Shootout here

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